Thursday, August 14, 2008

Getting There Early

So... run down time. We never got a hold of the owner to that house, oh well it got us thinking about getting our own home. I'm going to be at the U of U again this fall. Bye bye evenings. Heather is planing on working at Smiths so she can help pay off the car QUICK. I need to post photo's, print and organize them. I spent the second half of last week hanging out with Heather and her niece Bailey because Bailey's Aunt (her fathers side) had an infection of the bran from a hearing aid that went into her skull. She's okay now- basically deaf again but okay.

Today I needed to Trax to work and I happened to catch an earlier train. Hey, I think... I'll get to work early! 5400 south right next to the new hospital there's a THUNK and a hard break. Everyone lurches forward. It felt like the wheel got stuck or something. Looking left to the platform, by standers cupped the mouths in silent horror. Some people rushed to the rear of the platform, others slowly staggered forward in a trance. On the train we pressed our heads to the glass. We could see the legs of a woman in jeans laying next to the train draped over her bike. After a few seconds two nurses came forward trying to get out. The door was stuck. A young man, with a little bit of grunge look, got to the door popped off the plastic to the emergency door release and turned the knob. The tall folding doors broke open a few inches and they forced the rest. I stood there observing, slightly ashamed I didn't think to open the door by emergency latch. A group gathered around the fallen woman giving enough room for people to get to her freely. The view from the door made me hold my breath. She wasn't moving.

After a minute I noticed the nurses weren't doing anything besides searching for a pulse. Either she was dead or they didn't need to do anything. I was hoping for the latter. I was strangely calm and noticed how others where shocked, calling people, pacing and looking down the road for the paramedics to come. A siren blared in the distance. Ironic this happened next to the hospital. I noticed the woman's stomach full and round. Was she pregnant? Listening to the mumblings of people around some asked how it happened. A young gentleman explained to one questioner how he tried to grab her, and pull her back but didn't get to her in time. She had been standing near the edge of the platform and bent over to fix her shoe and didn't see the train coming.

Finally I saw her ribs heave in hurt breaths. Never has hearing painful cries been such a relief. I moved to the other side of the group and got a view of her face. It was twisted with pain and had a blotch of blood beneath but it looked like she would be okay. A minute later paramedics arrived.

It was going to be be a while to get the train going so I grabbed my bike and caught another bus to get to work.

Late by 15 minutes.

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