Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'll Huff! And I'll Puff! And I'll......

So after surfing the web at HowStuffWorks.Com Looking up tornadoes (one of the more mundane things I've looked up) I found a link to building houses out of straw bales. It was because of it's energy efficiencies and other great attributes it was on the sight. I looked into it and I think I actually want to build my house like this! Check out this house! it's a prime example!

Better Insulation
Better Strength
Better Sound Absorption
Better Fire Resistance

What's not to like?

BTW Tornadoes are mundane because I have NERD tattooed across my forehead. I look up things like how radios, diodes, and magnets work so I can eventually create a magnetic generator for my own "free" electricity even though it isn't really free. The power company will have to pay for it. heh heh heh... I love capitalism.


Forrest said...

You build a house like that and I'll figure out my finances in order to come help you out.

Hey, are you gathering parts yet for your in-home DYI electrical generator, yet?

Anonymous said...

This straw bale stuff is awesome! I am totally sold. I want one! Too cool, great post.

Andy said...

Not yet but it'll come