Kung Fu Panda was very cute and fun. The characters are great and the action fun and lively. The lesson of the Dragon Scroll was fun and refreshing. A definitely worth it movie. Another 9.0

*shudder* Don't Mess With The Zohan... ever, just don't. It was dumb. The movie was 90% innuendo humor with old women, 9% making fun of everyone, and 1 pathetic percent crawling in half dead (I had to poke it with a stick) inspirational message. Two thumbs way down and a flopping 4.0 score. I gave it that much only for the few cool action scenes at the beginning and some semblance that the Palestinians and Israel should get along. Not much was genuinely funny, although the Hezbollah hot line was pretty good.
Any other suggestions for a review? Leave a comment!
Word to the reviews dude. Nice to hear what you think of stuff. I must admit I'm very surprised to hear you haven't read the Narnia books yourself. The first movie was decent, but a far cry from the book, which is why I haven't been eager to see the second one. Also, I think Hollywood has much less of an interest in presenting the books for what they were, which is a Christian metaphor. Some of the stories in the line are more or less related, but Aslan's character is unmistakable. They're an easy read, and if your wif hasn't read them you could probably have a good time reading them together. You can find sets in two different orders; the order in which Lewis wrote them, which is the order the movies seem to be following, and the order of the time line of the books. I recommend the former, but that's the way I've always read them.
It's nice to hear what you thought of Zohan. Depending on what happens, I'll more than likely end up seeing it, but probably rented way down the line. We'll see. Next on your list to see: The Incredible Hulk. I hear it's almost as good as Ironman. You did stay after the credits on Ironman right?...
Heather has read the Books ... I read the Magigians Nephew... All the rest I need to work on.
I did stay untill the end of the credits. :D that was awesome. I'll miss Nick Fury's black hair with white streeks. Now he's just Black. LOL!
I thought Prince Caspian needed a head job and I am not refering to his super model hair. I cannot believe he would risk the lives of his soldiers to selfishly persue his personal agenda of rescueing his professor and avenging his father. Then the royal brat flirts with the White Queen. His whole purpose during the entire movie was to look pretty and bat eyes with Queen Susan. I agree, 9.0 for the great movie but 0.5 for the IQ of the character Prince Caspian.
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