Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Next Project

I'm kind of torn. I like doing the videos now that I can :D but I love posting funny stuff and pictures. I think my next project should be photos... of legs. That was the winning request. I'm probably going to get Heather to film all the cute kids around us i.e. Hunter, Lilly, Zane, Valor and all other Nephews and Nieces. Everyone loves cute videos!...right? (I Hope you're not kid haters!)

I also need to get Jake to post his comics or I'll do it for him. They are funny!

BTW... Boris is watching you.... Heed his message! (*cough* *bottom Right!*)


Ki said...

Your funny little and sightly disturbed animals are just a hoot!


Forrest said...

I'm sorry, but, due to the overwhelming amount of children oriented content, I am going to have to rescind my vote for ________, because I hate human offspring (they were so yesterday).

Also, Guido is too cute to be breakin' ENYONEZ legz! Seriously, Guido, nice try.

Anonymous said...

I fear Boris...I voted

Ki said...

PS. Do you have 2 Guidos and one Boris? I'm confused.