Sunday, May 11, 2008


Mother's day was great! I made Heather feel like a million bucks and I'm happy she enjoyed it. It's a much better change of pace to other Holiday experiences for my wife.

At the end of the day our friend Syhalla came by for some head shots. She's planning on trying out for a part in a play. There were several good ones but this was the winner. As payment, among her repertoire of skill is massage therapy. She helped teach just a bit to both Heather and I. It was sssssoooooooooo nice. I is still puddle today. We want to learn so it will be benefit for the family. Heh, what better way to round out Mother's day than to end with a massage?


Ki said...

Ah. Wow. That's a great shot.

Really, really great.

Can you make me look that good?

Anonymous said...

Props to taken care of the Mrs.