Thursday, February 5, 2009

Podcast 1

All Right! Lets try this in all different ways! You can click on the title to go to the Internet Archive site to download it directly, I have the Player here, and I've tried the Enclosure link.  You will have ample ways of getting to her me ... I hope you feel it's a good thing. 

This is 6.30 Minutes (with a 1 Min quoted sound clip). It's not long, It's a start. It's about some observations I've seen. I plan to do more of  these with more fun humor and reviews (like comparing games!) Tell Me what you think! (Remember the Psycho Killer Kitty w/ machine gun, Boris and Guido are watching!)


Ki said...

Guy--I love ya! You have a great voice, and good presentations.

Watch the "ums." (I thought there were ums? I felt like there were ums?) And be a little (just a smidge little) more obvious when you're being sarcastic--it'll make ya more interesting to listen to. And beware using clips of other people unless they're really clear.

I actually prefer this format for what would be longer posts. It's almost easier to listen, and in a way, I think that listening is a skill more in danger than reading.

I might take it up myself. Kids in the background would only make it more interesting right?

As for your content--Be careful young padawan learner! I agree with you about the dangers of a welfare state, and the death blow it gives to creativity and advancement. But history has ALWAYS been scattered with the questions about the rights of the individual verses the good of the society.

Those non-smoking sections? Or how about the drunk driving laws? Did you know one of the main reasons they can fine you for not making everyone wear a seat belt is because a flying body of ANYONE in the car increases the death-rate of EVERYONE in the car.

Now, with food I'm going to say it should be up to us, because it really effects only us (as long as insurance isn't forced to insure us)--where as smoking, drinking, and seatbelts do effect other people.

What an ugly puzzle.

Andy said...

Great feed back! It does raise interesting questions.

Flake said...

You got a good voice for this kinda thing. I clicked Play and then just went and read other websites, and your voice can keep the subject "interesting" but not just ya know... reading it. You're like.. 'acting' the words. Good stuffs.

Agree with Ki. Watch the pauses, Ums and be more flamboyant on the sarcasm bits. YAR

I took voice acting in college. I know things. i r ceritifble Xpert.