Friday, October 17, 2008

What?! No Calls???

So finally on a Friday afternoon, after one HEACK of a week I have time to think. Time slows down at work when I have a few minutes between calls.... AAahhhhhh. ....

I'm lucky to have the wife I do. I come home and she just can't wait for me to play video games! I think she likes the storyline. I'm going though a child hood favorite right now-Chrono Trigger.

Boo Yeah baby! The original time travel story for the SNES. 14 Different endings intriguing storyline and plot twists. All my after school hours went going though this game again and again reliving the sweet sweet moments. I <3 CT !


Forrest said...

So. Many. Hours... Invading dreams, math problems. Constant. Associating of. Characters. To. REAL LIFE PEOPLE. AGH I LOVE THAT GAME ARGH!

(Board the Jon?)

Flake said...

Dude, where'd you find it?! Zomf

You have to let me waaatch tooooo. CT is the win.

Anonymous said...

I am not a RPG guy(on video games)but Chrono Trigger is the one that I got into the most...aaah I remember playin' with you and dale for hours... the frog dude is my favorite...