Thursday, October 9, 2008


I know several of you wait hand and foot for the new poll to come... here it is! and it's a tough one!


Anonymous said...

Huh? as a bad guy?. . . I don't get your poll...

Ki said...

This one will KILL me? Gosh. Probably the Dark Night--he has that mad-bad vigilante issue (stupid bat), but really--nether since I'm nether a terrorist or gangster.


Forrest said...

You have to decide between the movies, guys. It's the choice between the two that will indeed pop a couple into the back of your head, wrap you in a tarp with your feet sticking out one end fashioned in a new pair of cement shoes (custom), and then thrown into the Hudson to feed the growing population of hungry-for-people fishes.

Flake said...

You cant make this comparison! The movies were shot from two different angles. In Dark Knight, Batman was already established, so it was about him, the villain, and the story. Whereas Iron Man was the origin story. you'd have to wait to compare Iron man 2 to DK to be fair!!

The first in any trilogy is origins of the story, and usually are better, or worse, than the rest.

This poll should be: Batman Begins vs. Iron Man.


Andy said...

Rick is right.

Forrest said...

You're deciding on what to buy, yes?