Monday, September 8, 2008


So This is quickly becoming a Poll and update blog. I always liked the question I asked. I've thought of it every so often since I was a kid.

As for the update Heather and I got bunch of fairly new furniture really cheep from her sister. Now if we could only upgrade our residence..... It looks like Heather is now happier than ever by just having a job so it looks as though we will pay off the car first and then get our own place.

I feel ... i donno ... saddened I wasn't able to follow though with the condo. With my schedule now it seems like it is best to wait. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

I could definately be immortal. I would have more than enough to keep me busy. Not aging would be awesome. Not sleeping would be my close second choice, but related to the first. If I could skip sleeping I could do so much.

Ki said...

I would snoot-ily recommend never being saddened by wisdom and patience.

Forrest said...

In what would be, I expect, a complete surprise to all of you, I voted to go without eating.


I love eating. I really enjoy the flavors of the food and drink I consume (usually) and I am usually satisfied and refreshed afterward and during.

Except, I am responsible for my food, now. I go shopping every week carrying the food home on my back or in my hands. We're buying healthier food, too, which means that it doesn't keep as long or is grown locally and without pesticides or doesn't contain corn syrup or sodium.

ANDY. You MUST get grass-fed not-homogenized milk. It does seperate and that's a good thing. It's delicious and I think you of all people will appreciate the quality difference.

My point is, that gathering, storing, preparing, ingesting, digesting, paying and even the global shipping costs of keeping me and Marie fed takes a lot of energy. I could do without the entire process which would probably free up another complete lifetime, taking care of that urge to live forever.

Which I actually don't have.

Flake said...

I'd never sleep. Just cuz. I sleep too much. And you can get a lot done. If you don't sleep. SLEEP!!!@34k1234j124ijh