Friday, February 27, 2009

Work Soap Box

7:58 Min

I think this podcast was fun. There is also a proposal at the end that has to do with the poll! Let me know what you think! Remeber you can select muliple answeres on the Poll!
Also see podcast Ta-Va beneath, I published 2 at once.

Cha-cha-cha changes!

So I now do night shifts. Access to bandwidth sucking sites like this is limited at work, and will therefore "crimp my style" of blogging on the off time. I'll still be here and do it at home though. I have a podcast in the works and an old one I've needed to publish on the way. Enjoy!

Ta-Va Time-Space

4:40 min

Ta-Va and Tauhiva. It's a small little portion of a complete idea but I hope you like it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Podcast 2

2/3 rds of this is fun an light hearted. It is 6:44 min long.

For the news portion I feel it's important to keep informed... hope it gets you to think or be involved.

The mentioned Links

 And since then: Without ANY review, the Democrats passed this monstrosity of a bill flushing $787 Billion more down the tubes, allowing social nationalization of several things to be be directed by singular people. (by the way can you remember what the word for that is? Fascism anyone?) out of both houses of Congress only 3 senate republicans backed it. (so much for promised bipartisanship or the promise for the public to see the bill at least for 48 hours.)

"The measure needed 60 votes to pass the Senate. The three Republicans voting for the bill in that chamber were Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania andSusan Collins and Olympia Snowe, both of Maine"

You can write these three and thank them for betraying their principles and enslaving you and your children with debt and overpowering and inefficient government control  in areas of health care, infrastructure, schools, banks, and much much more. 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Podcast 1

All Right! Lets try this in all different ways! You can click on the title to go to the Internet Archive site to download it directly, I have the Player here, and I've tried the Enclosure link.  You will have ample ways of getting to her me ... I hope you feel it's a good thing. 

This is 6.30 Minutes (with a 1 Min quoted sound clip). It's not long, It's a start. It's about some observations I've seen. I plan to do more of  these with more fun humor and reviews (like comparing games!) Tell Me what you think! (Remember the Psycho Killer Kitty w/ machine gun, Boris and Guido are watching!)