Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My wife did it

So... Heather got me to do the Face book thing but I can proudly say I was last in my family to topple... see you there maybe???

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Watt Thompson Chronicle:Hospitality Hospital 2


Part 2 of Hospitality Hospital

Watt Thompson Chronicle:Hospitality Hospital

4:33 min

Sorry I was so long between episodes. The last couple of weeks have been terrible. Wife got an emergency root canal, we lost a real estate deal due to and agents stupidity and negligence, so excuse the time it took and enjoy two episodes!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Watt Thompson Chronicles

I can't wait for the next episode!!! :D

Friday, February 27, 2009

Work Soap Box

7:58 Min

I think this podcast was fun. There is also a proposal at the end that has to do with the poll! Let me know what you think! Remeber you can select muliple answeres on the Poll!
Also see podcast Ta-Va beneath, I published 2 at once.

Cha-cha-cha changes!

So I now do night shifts. Access to bandwidth sucking sites like this is limited at work, and will therefore "crimp my style" of blogging on the off time. I'll still be here and do it at home though. I have a podcast in the works and an old one I've needed to publish on the way. Enjoy!

Ta-Va Time-Space

4:40 min

Ta-Va and Tauhiva. It's a small little portion of a complete idea but I hope you like it.